Wow I can't believe how fast this summer when by. We had a lot of fun this summer.
We went to Lava Hotsprings, Idaho for the Hunsaker family reunion. While we were there we played at the big pool, went down the river and had a lot of fun with all the cousins. There were about 100 of us. This is all of my family and my Dad's two sisters families...the Shoemaker and Walkenhorst families. My family has been going to Lava for over 70 years now and we don't ever get tired of it.

A few weeks later we went and spent a week on a houseboat at Lake Powell with my family. With the kids having 18 first cousins there they had so much fun. Kaison caught his first fish, Ernie got his toenails painted...with most of the other boys, Aspyn made mud sandcastle with her Aunt Steph, Courtlyn was a perfect angel and I got a tan. We couldn't keep the kids out of the water. We love Lake Powell and can't wait until next year!!

All of our Lake Powell and Lava pictures are on the slide show...mixed with others from the year.